To learn how to draw hair less streaky, do the following exercise:.
Exercise 2: Copy a number of the following hairstyles. Start light with an egg head and the eyes about halfway down. Then draw the total shape of the hairstyle, covering at least a part of the head. Add shadows and/or hatching that shows the direction in which the hair grows/falls. You can also give the entire hairstyle a light or dark shade of gray. Skip the faces if you prefer, this lesson is only about the hair.
Finally three examples of completely different ways of drawing hair.
Example 1: In this side view, only the contour (outline) of the hair has been drawn. Her ear lies half hidden behind the curly hair with a lush tail.
Example 2: A niece asked me in 2011 for a drawing of her favorite pop star Justin Bieber. Here the hair is drawn like a kind of soft wool cap. Soft hatches create shadow and indicate the direction of the hair
Example 3: ‘Sorrow’ is a beautiful drawing by a talented student. The hair has been completely blackened with a very soft pencil. It stands out even more because the rest of the drawing is mainly drawn in clear lines. These kinds of contrasts can be very beautiful in a drawing.