To conclude this lesson, four additional exercises to choose from:
1. Speaking and Listening
Give a mouth and an ear both legs or (animal) legs and let the mouth say something to the ear in a speech bubble. Better first write the text and only then draw the speech bubble around it. The shape, size and color of letters can also express something: if the mouth speaks loudly, you could make the letters bolder, if the mouth whispers you might make them thinner or more vague. If the mouth says something nice, make the letters extra graceful. And if the mouth says something ugly, you make the letters scratchy.
2. The Odor Test
Let one or more noses smell something, for example a flower or a chimney. Something that smells wonderful or stinks terribly. Here are some more examples of loose noses.
3. The Iris
Draw a model eye of about 5 cm. wide. Then ask someone close to you to pose for you. Try drawing the wonderful colors of his/her iris in thin layers of colored pencil in the model’s eye. Start with the lightest color. Transparent layers of watercolor paint with a soft brush is also possible, but then you need special watercolor paper. Even then you work from light to dark. Let each coat dry thoroughly before painting over it.
4. Strange Encounter
Have an eye from the side meet something or someone, such as the eye and the mosquito that is telling something important.