Exercise 1: draw the following steps
Step 1: draw a line with right angles and attach a side to it. Color or shade the side. Suddenly it looks like something with a certain thickness, for example made of stone or wood.
Step 2: Draw the horizontal lines of the side from step 1 now diagonally up or down. This way the side also gets a top or bottom.
Step 3: if you turn the drawing a quarter turn like here, the side has become the top. Now it looks like the battlements of a castle. You might like to draw more knights or other figures that keep watch.
Step 4: Draw a line with waves and sharp points. Attach a side to it as in the following examples. In the last example you start with a double line.
Step 5: For shapes with a curl start with a single of double line. Then draw the horizontal lines from the top and/or bottom of the curl. Finally, make sure that the shape remains the same width throughout. You may find this kind of graceful shapes for example in furniture of wood or sculptured ornaments.
EXTRA: the following image shows four upright dominoes, each with a distinct front and side. How would you draw them if they fell over? A possible elaboration of this exercise is given at the end of chapter 2.